
Osama Pig Laden

Bin Laden may be dead, but Pig Laden will live on forever.... without a dialysis machine.


Quoth the raven?... no that's not it..

One of the most noble laureates of her time, William Pigspeare has graced us with so many timeless tales of love and beauty, bringing tears and guffaws to oodles of people all over the world... except in Russia. They dun 'ppreciate no pigs there.



We tried to hack a street sign to bring you a pigletite message from the government, but the word "username" left us guileless. Instead, there's been a commemorative issue of some very special legal tender.


The best of times and the worst of times

Pig has seen the best of times, she's see the worst of times... This was one of those times where she and her ilk went without kibble for days. The poor things, that reminds me... more dog food is needed.

By Ashley Watson